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    faux pas

    faux pas - Dictionary definition and meaning for word faux pas

    (noun) a socially awkward or tactless act
    Synonyms : gaffe , gaucherie , slip , solecism
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for faux pas

Faux can be thought of as focus...and when focus loses(pas) then we commit a social blunder..

imagine faux to be like fork...I asked friend to PASS FORK on dinning table and he instead of passing took fork and inserted in his dirty nose...!!! WTF blunder he created in front of all :D

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"faux pas" a fox passes the ramp during a marriage ceremony, a lapse in etiquette

i asked my frnds to see there . a fox will pass towards us this is a mistake it can't be possibe

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text: the pas de de
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